That’s Me in the Corner: Politics “Trump”-ed My Faith, Part 2 of 3

Thank you folks for sticking around!



I’m humbled.

I realize that my story meanders.

I’m sorry.

My hope is that as my story winds the roundabout it touches on enough things to become a source of help and healing for you guys.

I’ve found personal help and healing in just pounding these things out on my keyboard.

Last time, I talked about the right-wing take-over of Christianity. Today, I’m going to talk about the left-wing version.

Now, I’m not as familiar with the left-wing version other than recognizing that both versions have something in common.

Good intentions.

The right-wing version has the good intention of protecting unborn children, private property rights, and individual security. The left-wing version has the good intention of fighting for justice, working for equality, and taking care of the impoverished.

Everything I just mentioned is good and from reading scripture seems to be coming from the heart of God. I don’t criticize either side for lavish and lofty goals.

I’m on board with those intentions and work toward many of them locally.

But both are two sides of the same coin. In order to achieve their goals, government intervention is required. The coin is government intervention and oppression. In order to intervene in a situation, the government must use oppression, force, and violence. Every time you want something to be illegal, you are authorizing the government to murder to enforce that idea.

I do criticize both sides for choosing to hitch the wagon of my faith onto their politics. Christ wasn’t political. He had a way of shifting the political immediately into the spiritual. I’ll focus on that in my next piece.

As much as Christ wasn’t a right-wing, gun-toting, conservative Republican He also wasn’t a left-wing, bleeding-heart, liberal Democrat either.

We’ve got to stop claiming and politicizing Christ.

Trust me, conservative friends, one can easily and equally make the biblical case for a liberal Jesus.

I could parse the text in a way to give you a Jesus that opposes gun rights, big military (or even military at all), while supporting compassion for those in poverty, health care, open immigration, environmental concern and a whole host of other progressive priorities. I can do this from the same Bible which you’ve used to build the conservative Jesus.

However, my message to the left is simple.

Jesus didn’t advocate for His followers to use the government to confiscate anything from anyone. Not taxes, not retribution, not vengeance, not justice … nothing.

While I agree with so many of the priorities for which you’re advocating, I work for them personally and through non-government organizations because the best charity is given cheerfully.

My faith makes me a voluntaryist and a collectivist. Who would’ve thought?

Yes, if we belong to Christ we are a collective. But that doesn’t entitle us to demand anything from one another, especially under the threat of government violence for non-compliance. Jesus was big on consent, tiny on compulsion.

Consent is king.

I also agree with you that President Trump is antithetical to many of Jesus’ teachings even though he is pounded from pulpits on television and in the evangelical community as a messianic figure.

However, I saw a lot of the same treatment for President Obama on your end.

The influence exuded by our last two presidents has definitely fit the profile for cults of personality.

When we entangle our faith with our politics we tend to dehumanize our political opponents. They become our enemies. As such we’re able to excuse the most inhumane and demoralizing treatment of them in the name of winning at politics.

The left is magnificent at highlighting the plight of marginalized people in our society, they are malignant toward anyone who disagrees with their programs and solutions. They’re appeased by woke displays and cancel culture when neither actually addresses the issues of our day.

While demanding racial, religious, and sexual justice and equity my brothers and sisters on the left are swift to rob their opponents of the same. How many careers and lives has the left tried to destroy simply because people are associated in some form with President Trump?

This isn’t love.

The woke cancel culture is not winning with love.

If you truly believe every white man is the problem with the country, you’re missing the boat and doing more to propagate and prolong our problems.

I’ve witnessed hatred from the right toward President Obama and hatred from the left toward President Trump. While I understand the things you’re both upset about it doesn’t change hate to love.

In my opinion, the Christian left and Christian right have become the yin yang and thrive off of their mistreatment of each other. Even the best, highest intentions become murky when the messengers meddle in the mud.

Jesus taught this principle.

“Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.”

-Matthew 7:5 NASB95

Immediately after pontificating on how we shouldn’t judge others, but instead should be people known for introspection and personal transformation (Matthew 7:1-4), Jesus points out this dilemma. Our message, or ‘pearls’, can wind up in the hands of dogs or swine and be trampled.

Animals don’t typically appreciate finer things!

My family’s dogs have dug up so much newly planted grass. Our cats prefer utilizing our carpet and furniture for claw-sharpening. Putting pearls in their path would certainly lead to them becoming lost and damaged.

The same happens to our messages of life, liberty, justice, and equality when we infuse them with hatred. We can’t say #LoveWins while exuding extreme enmity toward our opponent and denigrating them rather than their opposing message.

I learned this truth the hard way.

I was grossly less than charitable toward President Obama.

I was a ring-leader in TEA Party protests, as I shared last time.

I was a birther and filmed a video demanding he show his birth certificate.

I was sold out on conspiracy theories that all proved wrong about him.

A couple of years ago I listened to Michelle Obama. She talked about how hurtful the birther stuff was for her and her family.

I was ashamed.

I was glad to be different by that point, but the damage was already done.

My Christian renovation has included the way I treat enemies. This impacts my politics.

Do you ever feel the overwhelming need to make things right? My anxiety gives me a mental list of people that may or may not have been hurt by my actions since I was old enough to remember.

I’m like Bucky in Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

He had a list of people for which he sought reconciliation. Now, his list was made of the blood shed by his hands, but seeking reconciliation was a powerful motivator for his mental health.

Most of the people on my list haven’t been in my life for decades and will probably never again intersect my life. If they could, would they even want to relive the pain of those experiences? Many of them wouldn’t even remember or even be aware that I had “harmed” them because many of them are harmed only in my own mind.

In my last session, I made my therapist aware of my short mental list.

Upon hearing about my list, my therapist asked, “Did any of these people even remember or hold anything against you?” I didn’t know, but did give an example of someone I reached out to from high school that didn’t seem bothered at all and had moved on.

My therapist recommended that I do the same and let go of my list. My therapist believes this list hampers my efforts at becoming mentally healthy.

It’s one of those things anxiety does.

However, in application here, I did check an item off my list.

So, I took the time to sit down and write President Obama a letter of apology.

I don’t know if it ever reached his desk or attention. My spiteful treatment of him and hateful attitude toward him in prior years deserved to have my letter ignored. It’s probably another occasion in which my therapist is right. President Obama had no clue and held no ill will.

Fast forward, I’m in my 40s, have been a Christian for half my life, and shouldn’t just be coming to grips with the importance of loving my enemies. Jesus wasn’t vague on that topic. The whole “turn the other cheek” comes to mind.

My anxiety keeps all of my “wrongs” on an unbearably heavy list that perpetually weighs down my mental health. Just another reason to remove myself from using political means to achieve Christ’s kingdom.

Also, another reason to show how damaging the woke cancel culture can be. You’re destroying my mental health and I’m not your enemy.


You perpetuate a list of wrongs that is never-ending. You have ideas, but want to enforce and impose those ideas through government rather than persuade your opponents.

If your ideas are really as good as you say, then those ideas will not require force for implementation.

I’ll talk about this more in my next post, but I believe our politicization of our faith has led us to love less and judge more.

Next time, to finish this 3-part set, I’m going to get “theological” so to speak. I want you to understand why I’ve walked away from using political means to establish Christ’s kingdom.

Grace and peace!

If you liked this post, you just might enjoy my book, What He Said: Living the Sermon on the Mount, Transforming American Culture.

If you want to follow my journey, you can read each of the previous posts below:

Part 1 – That’s Me in the Corner: Sharing My Journey

Part 2 – That’s Me in the Corner: Source of My Anxiety

Part 3 – That’s Me in the Corner: Power in Vulnerability

Part 4 – That’s Me in the Corner: Sex Turns Fatal When the Tail Wags the Dog

Part 5 – That’s Me in the Corner: My Final Baptism

Part 6 – That’s Me in the Corner: Walking in Satan’s Shoes

Part 7 – That’s Me in the Corner: “Be Kind” Change My Theology

Part 8 – That’s Me in the Corner: Politics “Trump”-ed My Faith, Part 1 of 3

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